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Snotown Stems is a micro farm (or extremely large garden) growing specialty and heirloom flowers in Snohomish, WA. With a commitment to sustainable practices, our focus is to spread joy hyper-locally as a way to not only encourage people to buy where they live, but to build community and relationships with those in our metaphorical backyard.


My name is Marisa, the seed sower, weed puller, flower picker, bouquet wrapper and well, almost everything that happens here at Snotown Stems. (Minus Kevin, who lifts the really heavy things and drives the tractor that feels hilariously big for our space.) We have two "helpers," one of which only likes to do so with monetary exchange and the other who likes to throw dirt and pull up anything recently planted.


I didn't set out to be a flower farmer. When we moved to this property in 2015, I was excited for the opportunity to have an expansive vegetable garden. A few zinnia seeds later and here we are. Having flowers anytime I wanted quickly expanded to sharing with friends and soon friends of friends were wanting to have flowers on their table from the farm down the street. (That's me!) Now we're incredibly lucky to specialize in fresh cut flower subscriptions and love to offer individual bouquets at our flower truck when the garden gifts us with extra blooms. 


We share our farm with two dogs, three cats, 25 happy chickens, and some neighboring goats who like to encourage us while we work. The dogs don't help out much, the cats are well... cats, but the chickens are glad to share their daily bounty of fresh eggs with you. 


Our farm is closed to the public out of respect for our neighbors (the people, not the goats).





With love and flowers,


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